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As conditions sour, it's time to reap the rewards of years of diversification
Helping UniCredit build its stake in Commerzbank is a coup for Barclays, as it tries to climb in investment banking under new leaders
Borrowers should show more discipline if they don’t want to risk undermining all the investor work they have done
With lower rates giving CMBS further room to run, there is no time like the present
Investors are punishing whole sectors for a few problematic companies — but they feel they have good reason
Mario Draghi has sparked a conversation on increasing the EU's borrowing programme, but one about repayment needs to come first
In a world of abundant data, some companies are reading too much into one particular measure of bond execution success
The recent electoral success of populist fringe parties indicates that Germany may be heading down a well-trodden path with repercussions for the Bund
Regulators' sandbox may just be bypassed
It’s who buys the bond, not how much they pay that counts
In a strange dynamic, hybrid investors are now just as much at the mercy of rating agencies as issuers
Landmark report addresses specific areas, and in doing so it provides the beleaguered market with a foundation for change
UniCredit’s raid to buy 9% of Commerzbank gives Deutsche three choices — all unattractive. But one is clearly less bad than the others
South African bank’s formula has enabled it to survive savage consolidation, and it aims to emerge a winner
As in Mustier’s day, Commerz ― and European banking sector ― are in play
Conflict of interest is early test for Deutsche Numis and illuminates nature of broking relationships