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Top Stories and podcasts

EU snatches €11bn in ‘strong statement’ to markets

◆ Bloc lands another €10bn-plus deal ◆ Book almost a record ◆ Both real and fast money show hands
Dutch lender hires from HSBC to fill newly created role

Commerzbank, BFCM reach out for senior duration

◆ Commerzbank opts to raise long end senior funding for 2025 a week after dollar AT1 ◆ BFCM goes longer compared to recent multi-tranche Samurai ◆ Commerz pays no premium, BFCM offers slight concession

World Bank bags size and price in return to five years

◆ Issue takes large size from single tranche ◆ Tight US Treasury spread is expected ◆ How much tighter can issuers go?
Dutch lender hires from HSBC to fill newly created role
P&M, Big Interview, Leader, View, Southpaw
GlobalCapital sat down with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s chief financial officer Andrew Cross to discuss what the supranational has achieved over the past nine years and what the future holds for the young MDB
Head of SIX Digital Exchange explains to GlobalCapital the next steps in Swiss distributed ledger evolution
Inflationary risks are rising again — luckily central banks are still driving rates south
Esoteric deals struggle to drum up enough demand betraying that the investor base is still pitifully weak
Lack of deals makes CMBS new issues an unseemly brawl for allocations
Ground rent financing can be cheaper, but it doesn't mean less debt
Helping UniCredit build its stake in Commerzbank is a coup for Barclays, as it tries to climb in investment banking under new leaders
UniCredit’s raid to buy 9% of Commerzbank gives Deutsche three choices — all unattractive. But one is clearly less bad than the others
Primary Market Monitor/Bond Comments
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