AMM Events’ Steel Tube & Pipe 2011 will feature speakers from the top oil country tubular goods (OCTG) and line pipe producers in North America and abroad. We’ll also bring you the views of executives at flat-rolled mills who are among the biggest providers of substrate to pipe and tube facilities.
The conference will get you up to speed on trends in current energy and steel markets with insight from analysts, distributors, and end users such as oil and gas drillers and energy transmission firms. That means you’ll be have the inside scoop on the state of the steel pipe and tube markets all along the supply chain—from coil to the wellbore.
In addition, we’ll address current import trends, potential trade cases as well as important developments in overseas markets and facilities. The conference will touch on market moves in OCTG, line pipe and structural tubing not just in North America but in India, Asia, the Middle East and Europe as well