Financing Record (JULY 26--AUGUST 2)


incorporated in England and Wales (company number 15236213),

having its registered office at 4 Bouverie Street, London, UK, EC4Y 8AX

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Financing Record (JULY 26--AUGUST 2)

Issuer Date Princ. Amt. ($ Mils) Cpn. Security Type Maturity Offer Price Yield BP Sprd. M S&P F Manager Gross Sprd. Fee % Sell- Con.Fee % Under Writing Fee % Mgmt. Fee %
American Honda Finance 7/26/01 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/1/02 na Floats   A2 A A JPM Market Comb. Comb.  
Argosy Gaming Co 7/26/01 200 9 Sr Sub Notes 9/1/11 100 9 385 B2 B+ NR MORGAN-STANLEY na Comb. Comb.  
DaimlerChrysler North America 7/26/01 200 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/2/04 100 Floats   A1 A+ NR SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Household International Inc 7/26/01 1220.8 Zero Convertible Bds PUT02/21 81.914 1   NA A A MORGAN-STANLEY 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.9
Pinnacle West Capital Corp 7/26/01 250 Floats Float Rate Nts 8/1/03 100 Floats 98 Baa2 BBB BBB CS-FB 0.225 0.038 0.038 0.15
Project America Ship Financing 7/26/01 50 Floats Float Rate Nts 7/31/02 100 Floats   NR NR NR JPM na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 2.5 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/30/04 100 Floats   Aa3 AA- AA PRYOR na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 150 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/30/04 100 Floats   Aa3 AA- AA SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 50 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/1/03 100 Floats   Aa3 AA- AA SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 2.5 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/30/04 100 Floats   Aa3 AA- AA LOOP na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 15 5.18 Medium-Term Nts 8/2/04 100 5.18 83 Aa3 AA- AA SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 7/26/01 75 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/30/03 100 Floats   Aa3 AA- AA SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Wal-Mart Stores Inc 7/26/01 1500 4.375 Global Notes 8/1/03 99.854 4.452 52 Aa2 AA AA LEH,GS 0.25 Comb. Comb.  
Wal-Mart Stores Inc 7/26/01 1500 5.45 Global Notes 8/1/06 99.814 5.493 84 Aa2 AA AA LEH,GS 0.35      
Williams Cos Inc 7/26/01 300 Floats Float Rate Nts 7/31/02 100 Floats   Baa2 BBB- BBB CS-FB 0.125 Comb. Comb.  
Branch Banking and Trust Co,NC 7/27/01 650 6.5 Sub Notes 8/1/11 99.479 6.572 146 A2 BBB+ A+ SALOMON-SMITH 0.45 Comb. Comb.  
American Honda Finance 7/30/01 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/2/02 99.97 Floats   A2 A A JPM na Comb. Comb.  
American Honda Finance 7/30/01 25 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/2/02 99.97 Floats   A2 A A CS-FB na Comb. Comb.  
FEI Co 7/30/01 150 5.5 Cvt Subord Nts 8/15/08 100 5.5   NA NA NA CS-FB-CS na Comb. Comb.  
Frost National Bk San Antonio 7/30/01 150 6.875 Bonds 8/1/11 99.957 6.881 180 Baa1 BBB BBB+ JPM 0.65 0.13 0.12 0.4
Household Finance Corp 7/30/01 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/1/03 99.903 Floats   A2 A A+ CS-FB na Comb. Comb.  
US Bancorp Inc 7/30/01 1483.2 Zero Zero Cvt Notes PUT02/21 74.165 1.5   A1 A A+ SSB na Comb. Comb.  
AT&T Corp 7/31/01 1600 Floats Notes 8/6/02 na Floats   A2 A A- GS, CSFB Market Comb. Comb.  
Bear Stearns Cos Inc 7/31/01 60 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/31/02 100 Floats   A2 A A+ BEAR na Comb. Comb.  
General Motors Acceptance(GM) 7/31/01 129 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/4/03 100 Floats   A2 A A BA-SEC-LLC 0.097 Comb. Comb.  
General Motors Acceptance(GM) 7/31/01 294 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/4/03 100 Floats   A2 A A LEH na Comb. Comb.  
General Motors Acceptance(GM) 7/31/01 259 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/4/03 100 Floats   A2 A A JPM 0.097 Comb. Comb.  
Wells Fargo Financial Inc 7/31/01 600 5.875 Global Notes 8/15/08 99.953 5.883 95 Aa2 A+ AA BK ONE, MS, BNPP 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.25
PMC-Sierra Inc 7/31/01 225 Floats Cvt Subord Nts 8/15/06 100 na   NA NA NA GS 2.75 0.55 0.55 1.65
Telemundo Group Inc 7/31/01 60 Zero Sr Discount Nts 8/15/08 79.837 11.5 681 B3 CCC+ NR CS-FB na Comb. Comb.  
Weyerhaeuser Co 7/31/01 840 6 Notes 8/1/06 99.83 6.039 153 A3 A- A MS,JPM na Comb. Comb.  
AIG SunAmerica Glbl Fin I 8/1/01 750 5.85 Global Notes 8/1/08 99.917 5.865 94 Aaa AAA NR MER,JPM 0.375 Comb. Comb. 0.25
Acetex Corporation 8/1/01 190 10.875 Senior Notes 8/1/09 100 10.875 580 B2 B- NR JPM na Comb. Comb.  
Associated Banc,Green Bay,WI 8/1/01 200 6.75 Notes 8/15/11 99.28 6.85 175 Baa1 BBB A- CS-FB 0.65 0.13 0.12 0.4
Autonation Inc 8/1/01 450 9 Senior Notes 8/1/08 98.731 9.25 433 Ba2 BB+ NR ML, BAS, JPM na Comb. Comb.  
BANK ONE Corp,Columbus,Ohio 8/1/01 1250 6 Global Notes 8/1/08 99.906 6.017 115 Aa3 A A+ BK ONE, MS 0.4 Comb. Comb.  
Countrywide Home Loans Inc 8/1/01 625 5.5 Notes 8/1/06 99.495 5.618 108 A3 A A BAS,LEH,DB 0.4 Comb. Comb. 0.25
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 8/1/01 525 na Convertible Bds 1/31/06 100 8.25   NR CCC+   MERRILL na Comb. Comb.  
Golden West Financial Corp,CA 8/1/01 200 5.5 Notes 8/8/06 99.53 5.609 107 A2 A A LEH na Comb. Comb.  
LaSalle Bank NA,Chicago,IL 8/1/01 5 6.5 CDs 8/17/16 100 6.5 98 Aa3 AA- AA LA-SALLE-BK-NA na Comb. Comb.  
Pulte Homes Inc 8/1/01 500 7.875 Notes 8/1/11 99.093 8.009 295 Baa3 BBB- BBB+ SALOMON-SMITH na Comb. Comb.  
Sigma Finance Inc 8/1/01 50 3.77 Medium-Term Nts 8/30/02 na Market   Aaa AAA AAA CS-FB Market Comb. Comb.  

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