GLOBALCAPITAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, a company incorporated in England and Wales (company number 15236213), having its registered office at 4 Bouverie Street, London, UK, EC4Y 8AX
The latest US non-farm payrolls data produced a much stronger than expected growth in US employment, intensifying a sell-off in rates. Attention is turning to the US CPI data, which is released on Wednesday and which could add more fuel to the move out of Treasuries.
HilltopSecurities hired Tom Baurle to serve as managing director and investment banker, expanding its debt capital markets team. Baurle will focus on ABS, private debt originations and structured finance strategies across various sectors.
RHI Magnesita, an Austrian refractory supplier, has linked interest rates on credit lines totaling €770m to a third-party ESG rating. ING acted as arranger on the deal.
Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken split open a quiet Swiss franc market on Monday as it looked to slip in ahead of the post-summer rush, landing its eight year bond 3bp through fair value.
Brunel Pensions Partnership, a UK pension scheme, has launched a £2.1bn sterling corporate bond fund, with syndicate officials saying that another buyer in the small market will be helpful, but unlikely to 'move the needle'.