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French election shock derails SSA pipeline

French issuer postpones deal as compatriots set to face wider spreads
Some bankers were surprised, others not, but all expect a reduced EU funding programme for 2024's second half

FIG market craves stability before issuance can resume

Bankers identify several reasons why FIG issuers deserted the primary market, unlike their corporate peers

IG corporates blast past Macron mire but NIPs on the rise

Where other markets fumbled, IG corporate bonds added more than €10bn of debt to the year’s total
Some bankers were surprised, others not, but all expect a reduced EU funding programme for 2024's second half
P&M, Big Interview, Leader, View, Southpaw
Sustainable finance is not for show but a real knowledge transfer, banker says
Arlene Shaw sees middle-market CLOs as 'very efficient avenue' to finance private credit assets
Many FIG issuers were quick to abandon the primary market this week, but it could get a lot worse
The SSA bond market could benefit from an early summer
Celebrating a CLO market driven by technicals is like praising a merry-go-round for its mileage
Senegal’s deal is free of the shadow cast by previous African sovereign private placements
Former JP Morgan banker arrives with a mandate to shake up Citi’s corporate finance business. But he may have to temper his instincts
Barclays sees EMEA as a big part of its growth plan and is investing in senior talent over the next two years
Primary Market Monitor/Bond Comments
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